This is the 28th year the Michigan Airport Conference has been co-sponsored by the Michigan Association of Airport Executives (MAAE) and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of Aeronautics. It is designed to provide airport sponsors, managers, consultants, and others interested in airport management practices the opportunity to meet in an open forum to share information and ideas. The conference also provides a versatile medium to inform attendees regarding changes and opportunities available to airport communities. Vendors have the opportunity to display new equipment, products and processes, while consultants can interact with attendees and explain their particular areas of interest.
Member: $500 (on or before Feb. 1st) or $550 (after Feb. 1st)
Non-Member: $600 (on or before Feb. 1st) or $650 (after Feb. 1st)
The Kellogg Hotel & Convention Center (800-875-5090) has reserved a block of rooms at a group rate of $113 double (plus applicable taxes). To qualify for this rate, you must mention you are attending the Michigan Airport Conference, group code 1902AIRPOR. The hotel will guarantee this rate through January 18, 2019. For online reservations:
The conference kicks off Wednesday morning with updates from the FAA and MDOT Aeronautics. Following the updates, a panel has been formed to answer your questions of the FAA, MDOT & TSA. If you have a topic you’d like to have addressed, please let us know. Other sessions include topics on PFAS (Current State of the Evolution Toward use of Fluorine Free Foam), Environmental Spill Response & Jet Fuel Spill Case Study and a unique session on developing a Mindset for Innovation, providing attendees a hands-on experience that can be put into practice at their airport. We will end the day General Aviation and Air Carrier Roundtables which gives attendees the opportunity to talk to others in your specific type of airport followed by the Legislative Reception with our exhibitors.
Thursday will offer information on Runway Incursions & Excursions: RIM and Planning for Compliance, followed by a session U.S. Aviation Inflection Point: Time to Think About the System Holistically and ending the morning with a final session on PCI Reports: what it means for an airport sponsor & how to get more bang for your buck with the statewide crack seal problem.
The grand finale of the conference will be our most honored tradition of recognizing the Airport Sponsor and Consultant of the Year, followed by the “Passport” prize drawing. Closing the conference in this way is important because it celebrates our successes and encourages us to continue the pursuit of excellence. We truly hope to see you this year and remind you that this is your conference, and its success depends on your participation!
AeroPM or E-invoicing: Aero employees will be available at the registration area to answer questions regarding AeroPM or E-invoicing. Computers will be available for demonstrations during breaks or by prearrangement during the conference.
7:30 Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:30 Welcome & Overview
8:45 Office of Aeronautics Update
9:00 Federal Aviation Administration Update
9:15 Ask your questions! Panel of FAA, MDOT, TSA & MAAE
10:15 Break with Exhibitors
10:45 PFAS-Current State of the Evolution Toward use of Fluorine Free Foam
12:00 Lunch & Speaker TBD
1:30 Environmental Spill Response & Jet Fuel Spill Case Study
2:30 A Mindset for Innovation
3:30 Break with Exhibitors
4:00 Roundtables (GA & Air Carrier)
5:30 Legislative Reception with Exhibitors
8:00 Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:30 MAAE General Membership Meeting
9:00 Runway Incursions & Excursions: RIM and Planning for Compliance
9:45 Real World Solutions to Airport Challenges
10:30 Final Break with Exhibitors
11:00 PCI Reports: what does this mean for an airport sponsor & how to get more bang for your buck with the statewide crack seal problem.
12:00 MDOT Office of Aeronautics Awards Luncheon
The conference display area offers your company an excellent opportunity to promote and exhibit your products and/or services to a large, diverse group of individuals involved in the varied aspects of aviation. Time with exhibitors is scheduled to encourage attendees to visit the exhibit area. The Legislative Reception with exhibitors has proven to be a positive tool in providing vendors an additional opportunity to meet and mingle with conference attendees. Please reference the exhibit booth layout and select three location preferences on the exhibitor registration form. Booths will be reserved based on availability and layout is subject to change. Exhibitors can set up Tuesday, February 19, from 5-10 p.m. and tear-down begins Thursday, February 21, at 11:00 am.

Door prizes have proven to be a great advertising medium. If you have items you would like to donate, we would certainly appreciate your participation. Make the most of your company’s investment by participating as a conference sponsor. Sponsors provide an invaluable service to MAAE by supporting the learning and networking opportunities of the association. As a sponsor, your company will receive special recognition in addition to the appreciation we normally bestow. If your company would like to sponsor, please check the appropriate level at time of registration.
Platinum-$2,000 * Gold-$1,500 * Silver-$1,000 * Bronze-$500
View Conference Packet (PDF)